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Its Amazing What They’re Doing With Treadmills These Days…

When the treadmill machine first launched itself into the marketplace  its sole intention was to offer users an alternative to walking, jogging and running in the comfort of your own home.

Instead of having to take time out and exercise around your neighborhood, you could stay at home and exercise on your treadmill. As time has gone by, treadmill manufacturers have consistently improved these machines by either making them more convenient, comfortable or adding new technologies to enhance the performance of your exercise experience.

I came across a report from Fox news recently about the treadmill manufacturer Lifefitness, which are based outside the Chicago area. I was looking at a demonstration of a particular treadmill from the President of Lifefitness and I was pretty impressed by what this treadmill can offer its users.

There are a some cool things you can do on a modern treadmill such as play games and watch TV, but this particular Lifefitness treadmill got me really excited. Why? Well.. its basically got its own 19″ tablet screen, where you can scroll and navigate just like you would with a normal tablet device. It offers multiple running courses for you to choose from all around the world. For example, the Fox reporter was running on a course in Germany just before he made the report.

Having a tablet attached to a piece of cardio equipment offers unique, innovative value to the end user. For instance, you can surf the internet, read up on content that interests you, browse social media, check your stocks, watch TV or even check your emails as you workout.

Apparently Lifefitness also have these personal computers installed on their bikes and elliptical trainers too. For instance, you can cycle the Tour De France course and it shows up on the tablet screen in front of you.

I find this type of technology very inspiring as it really makes an impact on the type of experience you get from using a treadmill. I am very keen to see what they will come out with next. We’ll do our best to try and get some first hand experience with using this machine so that we can offer a full review and publish it here on

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