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What to do before the stomach upset?

The stomach is  an important organ that may suffer from multiple diseases and some more mild, such as gastritis, ulcer and other more serious, cancer, bleeding ulcers or perforated which may put the patient’s life at risk. The area where is located the stomach, usually known as “mouth of the stomach” (medically known as epigastric) is an area in which often focus the most common abdominal symptoms acute or chronic pain related or not with the intake, nausea, heaviness, abdominal distension, etc. And in a large number of times these symptoms are not related to any organic alteration. But with an alteration in the functioning of the organs related to digestion, which is Called functional dyspepsia. If also knows as stomach upset.

What are the symptoms of stomach upset?

Probably the symptom that most often are the people who have gastric problems is pain. The characteristics of this (location, intensity, irradiation to other areas, time of appearance during the day, relationship with the intake, factors that increase or Calman, accompanying symptoms, etc. , etc. ,) we will be able to steer toward the origin of the pain and will tell us whether or not it is appropriate to consult with our doctor. One vital factor is the age over and above the 40-45 years. It is more common to find serious functional diseases. So the brand age as a barrier to the time that the doctor ask specific scans to study in greater depth to each patient and discard the existence of serious processes.
When the pain is accompanied by pain, abdominal distention with flatulence is relieved by defecation or is associated with constipation or alternating diarrhea and is intermittent or alternates for days or weeks without discomfort. It is very likely that its origin is functional (functional dyspepsia) and this in relation to  a stomach with little tone (hypotonia gastric) or empty slowly, with a  slow intestinal transit, etc. is often functional dyspepsia is associated with an alteration in the operation of the large intestine or colon called irritable bowel syndrome.

But when the pain we awake at night, will be extended from form held for weeks or months and is accompanied by vomiting, nausea and weight loss with deterioration of the general condition (fatigue, decay, etc.). We are likely looking at functional diseases and it is very advisable to consult as soon as possible. Probably and depending on the symptoms and for those older than 40-45 years, we will be studied using different diagnostic methods analysis of blood, urine and stool (study of occult blood), X-rays of the chest and abdomen, abdominal ultrasound or computed tomography (CT or Scanner) and endoscopy (gastroscopy or colonoscopy) or contrast radiographic studies  (transit esophagus-gastro-intestinal and barium enema).

Unfortunately, the symptoms are not very specific when it comes to supporting a diagnosis or other, so they should be based on the realization of the above diagnostic tests to confirm if it is organic or functional pathology.

  • Symptoms of gastritis, gastric ulcer and gastric cancer that are appear indistinguishable and include any or none of the following.
  • Sensation of fullness during or at the end of the intake.
  • Feeling of abdominal distention after eating.
  • Pain in the upper abdomen.
  • Data that support the diagnosis of duodenal ulcer.
  • Strong Data.
    • Pain in the epigastrium pointed the finger.
    • Appearance of night pain.
    • Family history of ulcer.
    • Smoking.
    • Taking NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
    • Frequency of pain (weeks or months with pain and other pain-free).
    • Similarity with other episodes of ulcer diagnosed by endoscopy.
  • Weak Data.
    • Pain Relief with antacids or secretion inhibitors.
    • Poorly localized pain in the upper abdomen.
    • Occasional nausea or vomiting.

When a previously healthy person or with a history of ulcer gastro-duodenal have vomiting with blood red or black clots (vomiting in coffee grounds) or notes that the stool are black (melena), you will have to go without delay to your doctor or a health center. Because these are signs that it had  produced a upper gastrointestinal bleeding by any localized lesion in the esophagus, stomach or duodenum. Faced with this fact, depending on the condition of the patient (blood pressure, pulse, state of awareness, sweating) and of the personal history (associated diseases, pharmacological treatment, etc.), the doctor will assess the advisability of conducting a urgent gastroscopy. This may serve both to diagnose the cause and origin of the hemorrhage to treat it, if necessary, since using this technique you can use different methods to stop the bleeding (injection of various substances, elastic bands or clips” electrocoagulation, etc.).

How can you reach a diagnosis?

There are acute processes of easy diagnosis, as are the gastroenteritis caused by food borne infections, poisonings among or abuses in the intake (large food binges), that if you yield in little time with conventional measures (sleep, diet soft-based fluids or purées, antacids, rehydration, etc.) do not require health care. But if these paintings, especially the food borne infections do not give up in 1-2 days with the above steps and the vomiting do not give in, must be readily available to a hospital to receive intravenous treatment designed to prevent the secondary complications of dehydration. These measures should be taken more quickly  in children, the elderly and patients with chronic diseases (heart failure, respiratory or renal, immunodepression, etc.) by have a higher risk of having  more serious complications.

What can you do to relieve these pains?

The diet plays a role in the gastric pathologies. It has been found that the type of diet do not play an important role in the origin of the gastro-duodenal ulcers or gastritis. Nor at the time of your healing diet will influence that is either faster or slower. Where it is if it influences in the symptoms that one or another type of diet can produce in these patients. Everything that are strong and exciting food (chili, spices, coffee), fats and very copious meals and spicy will produce a worsening of symptoms  and its extension to the time.

In general, tobacco is a great enemy of the stomach healthy and much more of the stomach sick or sensitive, because it causes abundant harmful effects that induce the appearance and the lack of healing of the greater part of the gastric diseases: ulcers, gastritis, cancer, and dyspepsia. Harmful effects of tobacco to gastric level.

  • It increases the secretion of acid.
  • Decreases the secretion of bicarbonate.
  • Decreases the secretion of mucus.
  • Decreases the secretion of prostaglandin.
  • Decreases blood flow gives the gastric mucosa.

Finally, be noted that the NSAID drugs are widely used, especially in older patients with rheumatic problems, which can often produce gastric lesions, which can go from simple superficial erosions until the deep ulcers and multiple, often with bleeding that can be serious given the advanced age and associated pathologies. It is therefore advisable that, in general, and especially the elderly, when taking NSAIDS, even for short periods of time and with more reason when they are long periods, do so while protecting the stomach taking acid secretion inhibitors (omeprazole or ranitidine) to prevent the development of gastric lesions and complications.

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