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Childhood accidents in summer and child safety

Childhood accidents in summer and child safety

Basic tips for childhood accidents in summer

During the summer the risk of accidents in children with a greater number of falls increases, (they are the most frequent cause, although possibly representing less gravity) drowning, poisoning and burns. Accidents are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in children, so it is advisable to monitor and be aware of the child’s activities, do not induce reckless behavior but also fear, because it is also important to learn to know where the danger without sobreprotegerle.

During the summer are frequent travel and car journeys. You must use safety seats for infants and toddlers. Older children sit in the back seat with a seat belt in place.

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Parenteral nutrition

Enteral Parenteral nutrition

What is it?

Parenteral nutrition can feed a complete, virtually every hospitalized patient with a non-functioning digestive tract, providing all the nutrients directly into the circulatory system. Nutrients reach the venous circulation directly, without passing through the intestinal barrier, differently to what happens under physiological conditions.

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How to prevent colon cancer or Colorectal cancer

colon cancer

The colon or large intestine is down the gastrointestinal tract. Its main function is to reduce the volume of stool (by absorbing water) and store them for later remove them at the right time. Today, we discuss about what is colon cancer and how to prevent colon cancer.

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Breakfast routine in the morning for rapid weight loss

Breakfast routine in the morning for rapid weight loss

You are fasting for weight loss in the morning? This job does not lose your weight rather than increase the weight rising rate. The truth is you have to start the day by taking a sound diet in the morning to lose weight. Want to lose weight fast? Then eat these foods in the morning. Only having food is not enough, you need to know what and when to eat. So we create a breakfast routine for those that are overweight and would want to maintain a healthy weight. Are you want to know about our breakfast routine.

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Balanced diet for lead a healthy life

Balanced diet

A balanced diet contributes an adequate nutrients to the individual needs of each person to maintain health and to meet the energy demands of the body.

The basis of a balanced diet are based on an input of calories, protein, carbohydrates, lipids, minerals, vitamins, fiber and water depending on the age, sex, stage of development, the situation of the body, etc. to avoid situations of malnutrition both excess and deficiency.

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Diabetes and its remedies

Diabetes and its remedies

Diabetes is a disease that in the absence of insulin in the blood completely or inability of the blood glucose level is higher than normally. Dayabesi deregulated various complex and severe symptoms may occur. Such as heart disease, kidney disease, brain disorders, paralysis, blindness, cancer, etc. legs. Statistics show that the country is at least 5% of adults have diabetes, and 10% of this number maharancale

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Baby food of first twelfth month of Baby life

Baby food

If the baby food is insufficient or defective, baby will be suffering from malnutrition. So, baby needs balanced diet and nutritious food to be healthy and grow up naturally. When you selecting baby food, you must be noted the most important aspect, such as his age, his activity, fitness, etc.. The child can be fed only breast milk for the first six months of life. Not to give only breastfeeding, complementary feeding will have to start between 4 and 6 months.

Keep in mind that early entry of any of these foods include some drawbacks, as is in the case of allergies. So if there is a history of allergies in your family, you should consult your pediatrician.

Among pediatricians may be minor variations on the date of introduction of a food, but always must fall between those considered suitable for the baby.

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