Ear is an important organ of our body. So we should take care of this organ. If you are not cleaning ear wax regularly, it may be the cause of many serious diseases. We are usually clean the ears with cotton or a cotton swab/cotton bud. But this way doesn’t clear the ear perfectly. There are some ways to clean ear properly. With these domestic methods can be cleaned ear very easily.
Let’s know how to clean ear wax:
1.Use warm water –
The warm water helps to your ear wax soft and remove. However, note that the water is clean and it is not too hot.
– At first take warm water.
– By tilting the head one side, then Pour warm water slowly. Do not pour too much water at once.
– Stay one minute to tilt the head.
– Then take a clean cotton swab/cotton bud and remove dirt from the inside.
– Ear wax will come out very easily.
2.Use baby oil –
Baby oil is much more effective to clean the dirty ears.
– Take baby oil in a dropper.
– And then a few drops of oil pour the inside of the ear slowly.
– Place a cotton ball into the outside of the ear so that the oil will not come out from the inside.
– After 1-2 minutes, remove the cotton ball.
– Tilt the head of the opposite side to remove extra oil.
– If the oil stays inside the ear, remove with a soft clean cloth.
3.Use salt water –
Salt water is one of the easiest ways to clean ear wax in domestic methods. It makes ear wax soft and remove easily from the inside.
– At first, half cup warm water mixed with a spoon salt. However, note that the water is not too hot and it is clean.
– Take a cotton ball soaked in salt water.
– Then the head is tilted to one side and take salt water into the ear to press the soaked cotton ball slowly.
– Stay 3-4 minutes to tilt the head.
– Then clean the ear with a cotton swab/cotton bud.
– Clean the other ear the same way.
Always keep your ear canal dry and clean. Never poke into ear with hard stick. Wear a bath cap while swimming. Because of the water entered into the ear while swimming, may be ear infections. Drink two to three liters of water in a day. As a result, germs lurk on inside of the ear skin or screen are getting out and becomes clear. Eat nutritious food and balanced diet.
If you have the following symptoms, contact with specialist doctor.
→ Low listening
→ Ear pain
→ Dizziness
→ Irritations
→ Strange noise inside the ear
→ Bad smell into the ear