All these processes involve food handling is important that this is done correctly to avoid possible contamination and alterations.
Although increasing food control exists during handling, they do not always reach the consumer in adequate conditions of quality, hygiene and nutritional value, so it is important to recognize what are the characteristics that indicate food quality in order to choose them properly.
In principle they should reject all foods that are not properly and hygienically those not presented preserved.
Here some suggestion for food procurement:
1. Food procurement of milk and dairy products.
Always buy sanitized, ie it has been subjected to an appropriate heat treatment to ensure the elimination of microorganisms that are naturally found in it. There are different types of sanitized milk:
- Pasteurized milk, UHT or sterilized: pasteurized milk must be cooled instead in the place UHT and sterilized milk may be at room temperature, always cool places. Before purchasing, always, we must check the expiration date or best.
- Concentrated and condensed milk: do not need a cold storage
- Milk powder: Must be stored in dry and exposed.
To be products with a high nutritional value and are easily contaminated food can be dangerous. They must be properly packaged and displayed in refrigerated place. They must also undergo a heat treatment sanitation.
You should always be refrigerated. Before you buy must check the expiration date and reject improperly closed, broken or curved containers.
They protected and should be exposed in a cool place. Fresh cheeses are easily contaminated, so their consumption should be immediately. Those that are packed must be checked for packing date.
2. Food procurement of fruits and vegetables.
These products are easily damaged and soon lose their quality. We must make sure they are fresh, have good color, are clean, insects or parasites that are undamaged and show no soft or bruised areas. We must reject the vegetables with traces of soil.
The vegetables that come in bags, pre-cut, you have to use immediately because they deteriorate before the whole.
3. Food procurement of eggs.
They are foods that are dangerous if not kept properly. They should be stored in cool, ventilated and never humid. It notes that the shell is intact and clean. We must monitor the packing date, to be fresh. You can also check whether they are fresh if to open the yolk and white are firm and have a small footprint, while those that are not fresh, clear is less density and the yolk is not in the center of the light.
4. Food procurement of bread.
Packaging must be in its corresponding role. Check the date of packaging.
5. Food procurement of meat.
It is easily contaminated by what must be continuously cooled and protected. It must be placed in cold storage or trays inside refrigerators exhibitors, differentiated parts and categories. We must look at its external aspects, consistency and color. Good quality meats have a smooth surface, firm and elastic and slightly moist. When they darkening or green spots are seen to be rejected.
Minced meat more easily altered because its surface in contact with the outside is increased, thus increasing the risk of contamination. It must be crushed at the time of acquiring it.
The poultry contain many bacteria naturally, all must wear the metal plate Sanitation Control and exposure must be clearly separated from other meats or derivatives.
6. Food procurement of sausages.
They must be presented in refrigerators protected exhibitors. Which they are presented in slices dries out easily and should be consumed before.
7. Food procurement of fish.
You must be exposed in refrigerated stainless trays or trays with drain and clean ice. Never undergo continuous irrigation water because it involves risk of contamination.
To find out if fresh must be smooth, firm and glowing skin, red gills, firm and shapely body, shiny scales, adhering to the skin and eyes bright and clear, never sunk.
The fish was fresh off a light and pleasant scent, if you have a bad odor or reject it smells like ammonia.
8. Food procurement of seafood and shellfish.
These products are easily altered. Fresh seafood appear shiny, firm flesh and not unpleasant characteristic odor. When altered they produce loud and odors.
Molluscs such as oysters, clams, mussels and cockles, must be subject to vetting before sale to avoid the presence of toxic substances. They must be alive so the shells should be whole and closed.
They must be kept cold and covered in ice trays.
9. Food procurement of preserves.
They are animals or vegetables before packing they have been subjected to heat sterilization process products. Check for the packing date. We must reject cans with signs of rust, bulges, cracks or bumps, regardless of their expiration date.
10. Food procurement of products packed in vacuum.
There are a number of foods that are packed in polyethylene bags and all the air is removed thereby preventing any growth of microorganisms. Some require kept chilled and others may be placed on shelves at room temperature.
11. Food procurement of frozen products.
These products have been subjected to temperatures of 30 ° C for fast freezing. They must be transported and stored at temperatures not exceeding 18 ° C.
So that products reach the consumer in perfect condition is very important that the cold chain is not broken any time, as this would lead to changes that can be dangerous. A food that has been thawed should never re-freeze again.
Frostings, yellowing of the fish, or slightly thawed open containers, indicate changes in the quality of products.