A big Giveaway with a twist!

Earlier this summer Dave from tips4running sent me his new e-book,

Start Walking, Get Running, Lose Weight

A Straightforwards Step-by-Step Plan for Fitness and Weight Loss.

Dave was a high school and college runner and running coach as was his wife (his wife’s on the cover!).  He also works full-time, has 3 small children, and wrote the book after confronting his own gradual weight gain.

Here’s what I like about the book:

1. There’s a little of everything for everyone in it.

Maybe you don’t need to lose any weight or learn how to run OR maybe you do, but everyone can brush up on goal setting, injury prevention, stretching, cross training, etc.  Some of the many topics covered include:

-S.MA.R.T. goal setting – this was my favorite section because it applies to ANYTHING in life

-Food Journaling, Grocery Shopping

-Running Shoes, Form, Barefoot Running, Running Logs

-4 Workout Plans: Walk to Jog program, Beginners Jogging Program, Running Only Program

-Tips on Injury Prevention and Common Running Ailments

-Circuit Training with and without weights

-Workout ideas

2. It’s easy to read, understand and comprehend.

I hate reading about running plans that have a bunch of metric system mumbo jumo about 800x repeats.  What is that and who cares!?

All the information in this book is simple and straightforward, made even more so by the short videos that accompany each chapter.

The 12 videos are 2-5 minutes each and demonstrate different stretches, form, how to make a goal sheet that goes with you all week, etc.  Watching what you just read about makes it much easier to apply to your personal goals.

3. The S.M.A.R.T. goal setting.

Yes, I have to give this its’ own topic.  Maybe you run 50 milers and don’t need running tips; maybe walking one mile is way too much right now.  The goal setting is for you, both of you.  You can use the information and tips to apply to your financial goals, relationship goals, family, spiritual, anything goals.

The book is worth it just to start thinking, verbalizing, and writing down goals.  What do I want in the big picture?  How am I going to accomplish that this week?  What can I do today to meet that goal?  Good stuff.

The e-book (with all it’s videos and training plans) sells for $27 and you can purchase it HERE(just email Dave and tell him SR sent ya), but I have one e-copy to give away.  All you have to do to enter is comment answering the question:

What topic of the book are you most interested in?

ALSO… The winner will be picked at random on Thursday (and if you tweet, blog, facebook about it=more entries), and I’d love to feature YOU, the winner, on SkinnyRunner following your progress and goals that you set.  Maybe once a week for 4 weeks a blog feature all about YOU!

Now, you don’t have to do this if you win, but it’d be great accountability, encouragement to others, and also great exposure for you if you have a blog!

One more final detail: If you don’t win and you purchase the book and want to follow the plan and set a few goals, I would like to feature you too on the blog!  Simply buy the book, then email me at skinnyrunnerblog@gmail.com, and we’ll get you started!

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